Ready to work.
New: Cutting ring (July 2023), S-tube rebuilt & new thrust rings (Aug 2024). 2 extra mud cups, 3 sets of agitator seals, 1 extra proximity switch & cable.
Overall Condition: Good.
Home > Concrete Pumps > Line Pumps > 1995 Reed 3080
Ready to work.
New: Cutting ring (July 2023), S-tube rebuilt & new thrust rings (Aug 2024). 2 extra mud cups, 3 sets of agitator seals, 1 extra proximity switch & cable.
Overall Condition: Good.
International Concrete Pumps Online Corp (DBA Global Concrete Pumps) is your trusted partner for buying and selling concrete pumps online. We are committed to providing exceptional customer service and win-win solutions for sellers that list with us. We proudly serve customers throughout North America.